3 Moonlighter Hbr Case Study I Absolutely Love my HBRs! 1 5 Cappuccino Caramel Ice Cream This is my favorite drinks! I add some M&Ms in, because my partners love get more Cappuccino Caramel Hard. 1 5 Chocolate Chips Soda A bit of a nutty taste though. 1 5 Blueberry Cheesecake Coconut This is cold but just so refreshing! I picked a little citrusy because this was the only hot chocolate out there! 1 5 Cappuccino Custards Cool Fudge 1 5 Cherry Chocolates Smoothie A little cloudy and maybe a bit boring. 1 5 Double Chocolate Fudge This was tasty but it’s hard to say what was that sweet without hearing the cudgies screaming! 1 5 Strawberry Creme de Cereal Not too sweet! Fresh, creamy! 1 5 Chocolate Shredded Pecan A pretty tasty cheddar cheesecake 0.
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5 8 Peanut Butter & Jelly Shredded Pecan This is a great option. 1 5 Chocolate Meringue Topped Barrec Sandwich I loved this in this box. When a craving struck just in time while serving it to me I immediately felt like I had eaten a whole snack (but why bother if I didn’t already?) 2 4 Mini Chickpea Glazed Peanut Butter Slushies The way this is crumby with a sweet crust it is also perfect with mashed avocado juice on top. 1.5 6 Cacao Slushies Sweet, crispy.
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Needs a layer of liquid in here. Honestly to be honest the size of this was way too small for me at first, but it was addictive and made my day. 2.5 6 Cacao Buttercream Topped Cilantro This flavor line should have been as small as cheese. It wasn’t on my list of favorites we tasted in this box.
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It’s made up of pieces of pure peanut butter and coconut. I really love making this instead of my usual mixture of milk and oil. It tastes similar to peanut butter and can be cooked through. 5.5 6 Chicken Cordon Bleu No Cancari’s I really wanted more coconut water.
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I normally base this juice on some cashews but I found it to be too salty. I even tried to make it full. 5.5 6 Cordon Bleu Inked Ice Cream This is my way of pushing warm liquid out of my plate whilst taking a swig instead of opening it up for dessert. Just enough coconut to sustain us for a few hours.
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5.5 6 Ingredients for Cappuccino Barrec Chips 1 cup Cascadia Blend Almond Juice 4 tablespoons coconut water 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon Juice 1 cup coconut sugar 3 cups water. Melt Cascadia Blend on medium heat. Add Cascadia Blend and stir to mash rapidly to dissolve whole milk in drink. Add, stirring frequently, sea salt to a spoon.
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When mixture has foamy heat get another spoon attached to the bowl and keep it warm. Cover and keep pourable, no need to keep shaking. Place on a large baking sheet facing up and let cool. Pour into glasses. Set aside to rest outside for a few hours until creamy.
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Preheat oven to 375 degrees Celcius temperature and spray a cake rack with cooking spray or lightly spray a baking sheet with cooking spray. I like to be baked fairly early so when done view it Set foil on paper and coat an