
Knightsbridge Custom Homebuilders Ltd Commitment To Core Values Case Study Solution

We are in the technique of deciding upon a market maker to filean application with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority “FINRA” to have our common stock quoted on the Over the CounterBulletin Board. We will need to fulfill sure standards in order for the market maker’s program to be established. Wedo not presently have a market maker who has officially committed to and began this software method on our behalf. Furthermore,despite the fact that a market maker submits an program to have our stock quoted on the Over the Counter Bulletin Board, there can be noassurance as to whether we can meet the needful standards or that such program may be widespread. Our common stock may neverbe quoted on the Over the Counter Bulletin Board, or, even though quoted, a public market may not materialize. If our common stockis not eligible for initial citation, or if quoted, is not eligible for persisted quotation on the Over the Counter BulletinBoard or a public buying and selling market does not broaden, dealers of the typical stock may have issue selling or be unable tosell their stock should they desire to take action, rendering their shares quite simply worthless and leading to a complete loss oftheir funding. Right. Crazy like a fox. Citibank is big too. And they maintain track of your transactions to the penny. In fact, any big bank with even a fraction of this many “unsupported adjustments” could be shut down, and half of its board of administrators in jail. Suggest that someone not certified is pocketing some of those “unsupported adjustments?” Conspiracy theory!We will wait for the day the Pentagon proclaims it is sitting on piles of surprising cash and it doesn’t know where it came from, which could be lower back to the taxpayer.